duminică, 13 decembrie 2009

Generate MASSIVE traffic

Something HUGE is coming...

A mailer system, that has been designed
so advanced...

It's been named A State-Of-The-Art Mailer

With this system, you have the ability of
reaching millions of people instantly, and
passively with a system that is literally
300 years ahead of it's time..

Jaye Pause & Brad Webb, the Masterminds
behind this incredible system, have given
you the ultimate way to start making
money right out of the gate when they
unleash this State-Of-The-Art Mailer System
to the world very soon..

By being able to build your team right now,
you have the potential of making thousands
of dollars instantly after the system has
gone live..

And the best part about it, is it's COMPLETELY

That's right.. Completely free, and for what
Jaye & Brad have designed, there are going
to be thousands of upgrades instantly, the
very first day of launch!

They've designed a system, that is self
sustaining, and self perpetuating.. In other
words, a perfectly engineered system that will
never die!

The entire system feeds off of itself, and gives
ALL types of marketers, whether new or
experienced, the awesome power of reaching
thousands of people instantly, with the push
of a button..

The ability to earning massive residual income
is here..

Jaye & Brad have designed the ultimate
State-Of-The-Art Mailer System, that will goes
above and beyond anything you've ever seen!

Join for free today!

All the best
Marius Pantilin

sâmbătă, 28 noiembrie 2009

Asigurarea Obligatorie a locuintelor

Asigurarea locuintelor, obligatorie de la 1 iulie 2010

Legea privind asigurarea obligatorie a locuintelor (AOL) va fi pusa in aplicare de la 1 iulie 2010, cand va fi functional sistemul informatic pentru gestionarea celor aproape 8,5 milioane de polite de asigurare, a declarat presedintele PAID, Constantin Toma, citat de Mediafax.

Daca nu vei respecta aceasta lege, vei fi amendata cu o suma cuprinsa intre 100 si 500 de lei. Politele pentru asigurarile obligatorii de locuinte le vei putea incheia numai cu asiguratorii din cadrul Pool-ului de Asigurare Impotriva Dezastrelor (PAID).

Daca unii o vad ca pe o alta taxa, un alt bir pentru romani, faptul ca este obligatorie in acesta categorie intrand aproape 8,5 milioane locuinte in Romania care trebuiesc asigurate in 3 luni , constituie de fapt o mare oportunitate dar sa urmarim mai intai contextul:


PRODUS obligatoriu, impus de stat: asigurarea obligatorie a locuințelor

PIATA: cca. 8,5 milioane de locuinte

DISTRIBUTIE: posibilitatea crearii unei echipe de colaboratori

INFRASTRUCTURA retelei deja creata: start direct al afacerii

Inscrierea ca BROKER: putere de negociere sporita, flexibilitate, training


Legea nr. 260 / 2008 privind asigurarea obligatorie a locuinţelor

Se asigura toate locuintele din Romania, urban si rural

Se asigura obligatoriu chiar si locuintele care au deja o polita facultativa intocmita

Riscuri asigurate: cutremure de pamânt, alunecari de teren si inundatii naturale

Polita are caraceristici unice (prima de plata, valoarea asigurata etc.) indiferent de societatea de asigurare care o emite


Toate locuintele din Romania, urban si rural = cca. 8,5 milioane

Locuintele se clasifica in 2 categorii

tip A: din materiale moderne (majoritatea locuintelor)

tip B: din materiale nesupuse unui tratament termic si/sau chimic (ex. chirpici)

Prima platita de asigurat si Suma despagubita

tip A: 20 eur/an pentru 20.000 eur suma asigurata

tip B: 10 eur/an pentru 10.000 eur suma asigurata

Primele anuale se vor plati ulterior de catre asigurat la institutiile abilitate,

NU la momentul incheierii politei !!!


posibilitatea crearii unei echipe de colaboratori din primul moment

www.famillio.net : gestiunea online a echipei, informatiilor, fluxurilor, e-mail dedicat

efect multiplicator: “Prefer să câștig 1% din munca a 100 de colaboratori,

decat 100% din munca proprie”

avansare pe baza numarului de colaboratori din echipa, nu a altor target-uri:

Contact :


Extindere retea gratuita

Aveti un produs care sa se vanda foarte bine intr-o anumita zona din tara, aveti un produs unic dar care nu este prezent decat itr-un areal restrans , vreti sa va extindeti dar nu dispuneti de capital in aceste vremuri?
Nimic mai simplu incheiati un parteneriat acum pentru o reprezentanta in vanzari in mai multe zone fara costuri suplimentare, fara deschiderea unei noi sucursale, fara costuri cu angajatii , doar un contract de colaborare .
Noi va punem la dispozitie reteau de vanzare , dumneavoatra veniti cu ideea sau produsul .

vineri, 27 noiembrie 2009


Today the world is filled with more opportunity than ever before. These opportunities are simply great ideas , ideas that will change your world, change your life.

Everything starts whit one magic idea, an idea from you or from somebody else, but if that ideea works for you it is irrelevant who say it first .

That does’ t mean you have to be a genius to start a business, or to have lots of money, you have to applied an ideea that fits you well , on your character , personality.

So if it’s that simple to have an ideea and applied that ideea into reality why isn’ t everybody rich ?

Becouse most people are quiting before they even tried once to make that happened. And haw can you realize something before you even tried ?

One mind coud generates an ideea , but two minds linked together can produce an ideea that is more powerful than those two single minds , imagine then what coud generate many minds from around the word .

Leave here a business ideea that you have in mind no mater sily seems now , and let it germinate , let it generates profit for you. It doesn’t ‘t mater if your ideea is about a product, service, it already exist in your home town , perhaps in other part of the word it doesn’t .